Jientje from Heaven Is in Belgium, the creator of this meme, writes: "As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture.
I've decided to try my hand at working with a theme each week. I'm not sure how successful I will be, especially since I'm not such a great photographer and often find myself madly scrolling through pictures taken ages ago just to have something that works with an idiom that I like; however, my mind works better when it has a theme around which to organize thoughts. It worked really well this week, but who knows what The Brain will grant permission for me to do next week? We'll just have to wait and see. . .

To play along, click here.
Here we go!
Living on Borrowed Time means to live longer than expected.

Pass the Time of Day means to make the time to stop for a relaxed and unhurried chat with someone. The Amazing Egyptian Dude, on the left in the back row, is exceptionally good at this one! The photo shows one of the many passing the time of day events that happen at our place of business. Notice the cup of coffee and glass of tea?

I like working around a theme, too. These are great! That little clock on top is cute.
I need to work on stopping to pass the time of day -- too often I'm caught up in getting my stuff done.
Great work!
I like working around a theme, too. These are great! That little clock on top is cute.
I need to work on stopping to pass the time of day -- too often I'm caught up in getting my stuff done.
Great work!
Oops -- sorry to comment twice -- it didn't look like the first one had come through, so I entered again.
Okay...this is the third one that has a theme. I think Jientje should changes the rules and make us all do a theme and she gives it to us. That would be great. I love these. Your photos are real good and depict the idioms real well :) Excellent :) Aloha
The theme makes it so much easier for me to come up with something, Thom. Other people like the freedom of doing their own thing; I work better with a structure. :)