Considering all the fires that are currently burning in my area of Southern California, I decided that the only song appropriate for a Monday meme at a time when rain is very much needed would have to be "Rainy Days and Mondays" by The Carpenters who, by the way, are from a suburb of Los Angeles.
Can you say irony?
Lyrics | Carpenters lyrics - Rainy Days & Mondays lyrics

What a beautiful Video!
Have a Lovely♥Monday!
I am hoping of rain for you. I hope you are safe and okay...
Karen Carpenter had such a beautiful voice!
I really hope that you get some rain soon. Great song. Stay safe.
I am so hoping you get rain down in your area and I hope that hurricane that's coming to the baja area at least can keep going just as a rain storm up to you guys. I hope you are well Zip. Great song. I love the Carpenters. Keep alert with all that's going on there. :) xoxoxoxo
Oh I like this song a lot. I haven't listened to the Carpenters in like forever! Keep safe!
I hope all fires stop soon.
I have heard about the Carpenters, but never saw them perform. Great choice, Carleen :)