Post about 5 favorite things from the past week. It can be anything that tickled your fancy: favorite quotes, posts, happenings, scriptures, recipes, pictures, great internet finds, etc., etc. Be as detailed as you like, the more detail the more fun for those of us visiting. Susanne, the hostess, just asks that it be kept family friendly. Click here to play along with us.
1. Yesterday, my Aunt Nola sent me an email filled with "godly humor." In it, was this cartoon that made me laugh unbelievably hard because it is so true to life:

2. No matter how many adjustments we have to make to our lives since my retirement, I've come to the conclusion that it really was the best decision for me. Just a couple of days ago, I got a message from a colleague in another department through the university's network on Facebook. He wanted to know whether I, or any of the others to whom he had sent the message had received our Fall semester teaching assignments yet because the up and coming Chair of the English Department had let him know that she was awaiting word from the President of the University as to whether or not re-hiring part-time faculty would even be an option this semester. With classes beginning in only two and a half weeks, the stress level must be unbearable for these poor people.
3. A friend sent me this cute joke:

A man was sitting in his favorite chair watching TV when he heard his wife's voice from the kitchen.
"What would you like for dinner, love, chicken, beef, or lamb?"
"Thank you," he said. "I'll have chicken."
"Shut up," came the voice from the kitchen,"You're having soup. I was talking to the cat."
4. The orange tree in our backyard is in bloom, and one of my favorite smells ever is that of orange blossoms! The tree is absolutely loaded with them. Last night, while the nieces were swimming, I spotted a humming bird darting from one flower to the next all around the tree. Of course the camera was at the office so I couldn't get a picture and besides, the blossoms attract lots of bees which I am deathly allergic to. There's hardly anything more glorious than the scent of orange blossoms first thing in the morning. Once you've smelled them, it's not hard to understand why they used to be the preferred flower for bridal bouquets!
5. I'd like to introduce a fun new meme that I started on my other blog and invite everyone to participate!

Egypt Everlasting is a blog about everything Egyptian and although Egypt’s history is long and her culture fascinating, she is but one nation in this world of ours that grows smaller with each day. Every Saturday, we’ll post a theme. Participants will post a picture, story, song, poem, recipe, craft project, piece of art – anything, really – that tells us something about your city/town, state/province, or country for that week's topic. Our hope is that through this weekly meme, we’ll learn more about our countries and cultures.
We just started last week, and the first theme was Home Sweet Home. I hope you'll check this week's theme and play along!

I'm just amazed at our small world! MY Professor is at CSUCI, part time lecturer. (with, it looks like, classes to teach)
I completely understand the uncertainties of the budget cuts. I'm waiting to hear on my position...
My dd used to live in Fullerton! And 3 of our kids went to Biola.
Love the jokes!
Thanks for the smiles. :-) I love the cartoon.
Oh, I know what you mean about that orange blossom -- hope you don't get stung! Cute cartoon :-)
That cartoon cracked me right up!
Your meme sounds like it will be very interesting.
Those are some cute jokes. I was wondering with the Small World meme if you might consider presenting next week's topic with the current week's post? That way we could have our eye out when we're out and about. Just a thought. ;)
Have a great weekend!
Cherie, that's a great idea! I will definitely do that. :)
great 5! Orange blossoms must be wonderful...
I am going to check out you meme...
I have one called Ladies of Grace...feel free to check it out on my blog!
Salam Carleen..
That's great idea Carleen :-)
Thank you for stopping by at my blog. My Ma is doing fine, but she's getting weak, she cannot hear very well now, doctor said that is part of the effect of the radiotherapy treatment.
Yes Carleen, Ramadhan is just around the corner. This year I hope my youngest son will be able to khatam the quran during the holy month.
I love the smell of anything citrus. Just something about it.
I love love love the cartoon - it made me laugh this morning.
Great list.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love orchids too and here in Thailand they are in abundance.
It was a good thing I was not sipping coffee when I looked at the cartoon! What I would not give to smell orange blossoms in the morning, and photograph the humming birds and the bees around it. It must be heaven!
I would love to participate in your new meme, but could you post your new theme a little bit earlier? The previous week for the next week for instance? I don't know? I think that would make it easier to prepare an interesting post, no?
Growing up in Florida, I used to live in a rural area surrounded by orange groves. Orange blossom time was my favorite time of the year. Sleeping with the windows open was heavenly!
I'm late visiting everyone's sites this week (again) but I didn't want to let a week go by without seeing your FFF post!
I do hope you get to go to the Opry sometime. I will post about it on this Friday's FFF.