
More Friday Fill-Ins are available here. we go!

1. When I heard that I needed brain surgery, I did lots of research before making a decision to go ahead with it.

2. Prevention is the best medicine.

3. It's late, but I don't sleep much anyway.

4. Even on the worst of days, I try to remain positive always.

5. My eyes have seen beauty in the most unusual of places.

6. "Go ahead, make my day," she said strongly.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hearing that an elderly friend who was hospitalized last night with pneumonia is doing better, tomorrow my plans include a trip to the hospital to visit my friend and Sunday, I want to recover from Saturday's family gathering at my house!

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3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Great Friday Fill-ins. I did sort of a theme like you did with yours. Excellent my friend :)

  2. Stacey Says:

    Ooooh... wish I'd have thought of that answer for number four!

    Have a great weekend!
    :-) Stacey

  3. Carleen Says:

    @ Thom: I didn't mean to do a theme thing, but I had a hard time coming up with the fill-ins this time around. Must have too much on my mind right now.

    @ Stacey: Thanks! I'm glad that you stopped by. :)

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