
Jientje from Heaven Is in Belgium, the creator of this meme, writes: "As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language. Now, because "a picture paints a thousand words", I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to choose an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we'll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?"

To play along, click here.

Here we go!

S is for Shotgun Wedding
"A shotgun marriage, or shotgun wedding, is one that is forced because of pregnancy. It is also used idiomatically for a compromise, agreement or arrangement that is forced upon groups or people by necessity." (source)

T is for The World and His Wife
"If the world and his wife were somewhere, then huge numbers of people were present." (source)

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10 Responses
  1. Jientje Says:

    That first one is just AWESOME!! I would NEVER have known how to visualize that one! PERFECT!! Thanks for playing, these were great! Sorry about the Mr Linky, can't seem to get it to work for now? It happened before, maybe it'll get fixed later, and then I'll add your link!

  2. Kathy Says:

    Great idioms, I love to say the world and his wife....... great photos too you illustrated these perfectly. love that shotgun wedding sign lol. Happy Wednesday, Kathy.

  3. ItaJeff Says:

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

    Hi Carleen, what a great idioms..never heard of shotgun wedding before, I've learned something new today :-)
    You visualized it perfectly, especially the 2nd idiom, tht is your daughter isnt it? She's lovely. Send my salam to her.

    Have a nice day

    Lots of luv,

  4. Amy Says:

    This looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog. My stomach is still turning from looking at that bridge photo in your wordless Wednesday post. Yikes. I am afraid of heights and bridges.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    That first one is just priceless!! Looks like it could have been taken in the southern US. I wouldn't have known how to illustrate that idiom, either, but that is perfect.

    I had never heard of the second one, but that is a lovely picture.

  6. Gattina Says:

    That's a great expression, a shortgun marriage, lol ! I never heard that !

  7. Jientje Says:

    I added the link Carleen, I managed to get the Mr Linky fixed!

  8. Anonymous Says:

    It is amazing how many people have never heard of a shot gun wedding. Must be an American saying LOL. Great idioms my friend. I love the T...awesome :)

  9. Priceless pictures and what a fun post!
    Thanks for stopping by and introducing me to your blog. I like it here! I'm following on fb and twitter and joined your blog frog group.

  10. Wonderful job of your idioms & photos. Though I've long known the 'shotgun wedding' one (though I escaped that fate, lol) I had never head of The world & his wife before. I think it would have been great for W & I will be looking forward to what you choose for that letter.

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