On September 4th, two very important members of my family had a birthday: Aunt Nola and Marlowe. I'm too polite to reveal Aunt Nola's age, but I can tell you that Marlowe is now 7 years old.

When I first brought Marlowe home from the breeder, he was 7 weeks old. The breeder didn't want to let him go for at least another week but after talking to me and learning that I had plenty of experience with cats, she let Iman and me bring the little fluff ball home ahead of schedule. At first, it was hard to tell who was more attached to whom -- he to me or me to him. So laid back, even as a kitten, Marlowe loved to be groomed, quickly adapted to regular baths, and didn't protest when he had to wear the bib to help keep his ruff clean.

As an adult, Marlowe is a a gentle giant. He may be twice the size of his housemates, but he doesn't bully anyone about it. His favorite pasttime is being brushed to the point of drooling ecstasy.

And when he's had enough attention for a while, he'll curl up on the coffee table and show the world what a truly sweet kitty looks like.
That is just a bundle of fluffy goodness!
Hau`oli La Hanau to Aunt Nola and Marlowe. What cute pictures :)
Wishing Aunt Luna and Marlowe a lot of joy and blessings in their life! He's so adorable :)