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This week's movie topic is all about Highs & Lows.
When I first saw the Bumbles' entry for this week, I groaned. Literally. And aloud. This week's post is titled "ON MOVIES ~ The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly." Considering that I detest this particular film with a passion the likes of which I am not nearly as passionate about anything else in my life and that the Amazing Egyptian Dude thinks it is the best movie ever made and watches it every single time it's on television, including last night, I couldn't help myself. Once the initial shock of the title wore off, I read the post and discovered that the film itself was not this week's theme, I breathed a sigh of relief. Literally. And aloud.
Here goes nothing. . .
Clint Eastwood is an actor whose body of work literally encompasses the good, bad, and ugly, so I've chosen
him to begin with. Although I enjoyed all of the movies on the good list, it wasn't until The Bridges of Madison County that I truly appreciated the actor. The AED, on the other hand, thinks that Clint Eastwood never made a bad movie and subjects me to Eastwood "festivals" frequently. At least there are a few movies that I don't mind watching over and over and over again.
The Good: Play Misty for Me, Paint Your Wagon, The Bridges of Madison County, and Million Dollar Baby
The Bad: Any Which Way You Can and Bronco Billy
The Ugly: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Meryl Streep never ceases to amaze me; her talent is the stuff of legend. Whenever I
want to watch a movie that will catch my attention within the first ten to fifteen minutes and hold it firmly in its grasp until the credits begin to roll, I search through the DVDs for something starring Meryl Streep. I love the variety of characters that she has portrayed, the way that she masters foreign accents with such perfection, and how she has the power to inspire me to willingly suspend my disbelief just long enough to lead me through a fantastic story. Although we remember the actress mostly for the good, because it's really g-o-o-d, she has made a couple of real duds.
The Good: Silkwood, Out of Africa, Sophie's Choice, The Bridges of Madison County, and Julie & Julia
The Bad: Death Becomes Her and A Cry in the Dark (Evil Angels)
The Ugly: She-Devil
This week's movie topic is all about Highs & Lows.
When I first saw the Bumbles' entry for this week, I groaned. Literally. And aloud. This week's post is titled "ON MOVIES ~ The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly." Considering that I detest this particular film with a passion the likes of which I am not nearly as passionate about anything else in my life and that the Amazing Egyptian Dude thinks it is the best movie ever made and watches it every single time it's on television, including last night, I couldn't help myself. Once the initial shock of the title wore off, I read the post and discovered that the film itself was not this week's theme, I breathed a sigh of relief. Literally. And aloud.
Here goes nothing. . .
Clint Eastwood is an actor whose body of work literally encompasses the good, bad, and ugly, so I've chosen

The Good: Play Misty for Me, Paint Your Wagon, The Bridges of Madison County, and Million Dollar Baby
The Bad: Any Which Way You Can and Bronco Billy
The Ugly: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Meryl Streep never ceases to amaze me; her talent is the stuff of legend. Whenever I

The Good: Silkwood, Out of Africa, Sophie's Choice, The Bridges of Madison County, and Julie & Julia
The Bad: Death Becomes Her and A Cry in the Dark (Evil Angels)
The Ugly: She-Devil

"The dingo's got my baby!" How could anyone forget that one? Great choice.
Clint is an excellent subject for this topic! There are many of his roles that I just didn't care for. But I do really enjoy him in his non-western, non-Dirty Harry roles - like In The Line of Fire, Heartbreak Ridge and Escape From Alcatraz.
Meryl will never live down She Devil. But I love everything else she touches!
I have never seen The Good the Bad & the Ugly, but I have seen She Devil an it was a real stinker!
I have to agree with you about the Streep movies. I like her as an actress, although she's not my favorites, but your Good/Bad/Ugly picks were spot-on.